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  • Youth Biotech CO,. Ltd.

  •  [Shaanxi,China]
  • Äri tüüp:Manufacturer
  • Peamised turud: East Europe , Europe , North Europe , West Europe , Worldwide
  • Eksportija:61% - 70%
  • Certs:ISO9001, HACCP, MSDS
Youth Biotech CO,. Ltd.
Kodu > Uudised > Spirulina pulbri tööstus on silmitsi raskemetallide kriisiga, mis ületab standardeid

Spirulina pulbri tööstus on silmitsi raskemetallide kriisiga, mis ületab standardeid

Hiljuti on Spirulina pulbri tööstus kannatanud tõsise usaldusväärsusekriisi all ja mitme tuntud tervisefunktsionaalse toiduettevõtte Spirulina pulbrisaadused on kokku puutunud raskemetallide plii sisalduse tõsise üleliigsega. See uudis äratas tarbijate seas kiiresti laialt levinud mure ja käivitas asjakohaste reguleerivate asutuste kiire tegevuse.
According to the news released by the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), when conducting sampling tests on spirulina powder products that are popular in the market, it was found that the lead content of heavy metals in some of the products far exceeded the safety Standard ja mõned ületasid isegi standardit 100%. Spirulina pulber kui populaarne toidulisand on väga soositud, kuna see on rikas valgu, vitamiinide ja mineraalide poolest. See standardit ületava raskemetalli juhtum on kahtlemata kogu tööstuse varju heitnud.
Spirulina (Spirulina) is a lowly plant belonging to the family Trichoderma of the cyanobacteria phylum, with no true nucleus in its cells, and is therefore also known as a cyanobacterium. Need on veekeskkonnas fotosünteetilised organismid ja neil on pikk ajalugu, kuna nad on Maal 3,5 miljardit aastat ellu jäänud. Spirulina is named for its unique spiral filamentous form and is widely used in the production of nutritional supplements such as spirulina powder.
The reason for this heavy metal exceedance is not yet completely clear, but industry experts speculate that it may be related to environmental pollution during the production process, lax quality control of raw materials and other factors. The accumulation of heavy metal lead in the human body to a certain extent will lead to lead poisoning, which will seriously affect human health. Therefore, this incident not only jeopardizes the interests of consumers, but also poses a serious challenge to the future development of spirulina powder industry.
In the face of this crisis, the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) has ordered the relevant departments to immediately recall the products in question and conduct a strict investigation of the companies involved in accordance with the law. At the same time, the regulator also reminded consumers that when purchasing nutritional supplements such as spirulina powder, they must choose formal channels and reputable brands to ensure their health and safety.
Spirulina pulbri tööstuse jaoks on see juhtum kahtlemata sügav õppetund. Tulevikus peavad tööstuse ettevõtted tugevdama enesedistsipliini ja kontrollima rangelt kõiki tootmisprotsessis olevaid linke, et tagada toote kvaliteedi vastavus ohutusstandarditele. At the same time, the regulatory authorities should also increase regulatory efforts to establish a sound regulatory system to provide consumers with safer and more reliable product protection.
With the continuous improvement of people's health consciousness, Spirulina powder and other nutritional supplements market demand is also growing. Kuid ainult toote kvaliteedi ja ohutuse tagamise abil saame võita tarbijate usalduse ja toe. It is hoped that this incident can cause the whole industry to wake up and reflect, and promote the spirulina powder industry to a more healthy and sustainable direction.

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